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Module-Cloud πŸ”—

[TECH ED] Prepare for live session πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?

It is essential to start learning new concepts and ideas before Saturday’s session. During the week, we expect you to get stuck and form questions about the new content so you can address misconceptions during Saturday’s session. The prep work here will introduce you to the new concepts for the week.

You will need to do this prep work before tackling the coursework.

Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)


How to get help

Share your blockers in your track channel


How to submit

It will be clearly evident if you don’t do the prep. At CYF we come to class prepared.

  • :brain: Prep work
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ”‘ Priority Key
  • πŸ“… Sprint 4
[TECH ED] Using Terraform Modules and Remote State πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?


In this exercise, you will utilize a Terraform module to create a reusable configuration for S3 buckets. Additionally, you’ll implement remote state management using an S3 bucket.


  1. Create a Terraform Module for S3 Buckets

    • Create a new directory named s3_module and place a new Terraform file inside it, e.g., main.tf.
    • Define the Terraform code for an S3 bucket inside this file.
  2. Implement Remote State in S3

    • In your main Terraform configuration (main.tf), configure the backend for remote state using S3.
  3. Initialize and Apply

    • Initialize your Terraform project.
    • Apply the configuration to create the S3 bucket using the module and configure remote state.


  • Confirm that the S3 bucket was created as expected.
  • Check the S3 bucket where you store the remote state to ensure that the terraform.tfstate file is present.


Maximum time in hours

n/a stretch

How to get help

Ask calm, curious questions with links, code samples, and no screenshots.


How to submit

Demo your progress in class.

  • 🎯 Topic Delivery
  • 🎯 Topic Requirements
  • 🎯 Topic Testing
  • 🏝️ Priority Stretch
  • πŸ¦‘ Size Large
  • πŸ“… Sprint 4
[TECH ED] Infrastructure as Code for CYF Hotel Database in RDS πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?


Use Terraform to deploy your CYF Hotel backend to an RDS instance.


Write a Terraform configuration file main.tf for the RDS database.
Include necessary configurations like database engine, version, and credentials.
Deploy the code to AWS.


After running terraform apply, the database should be live and reachable on the RDS instance.

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

Ask calm, curious questions with links, code samples, and no screenshots.


How to submit

Demo your progress in class.

  • 🎯 Topic Delivery
  • 🎯 Topic Requirements
  • 🎯 Topic Testing
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ“… Sprint 4
[TECH ED] Infrastructure as Code for CYF Hotel Backend in EC2 πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?


Use Terraform to deploy your CYF Hotel backend to an EC2 instance.


Write a Terraform configuration file (main.tf) to define the EC2 instance.
Include configurations for security groups, key pairs, and IAM roles if necessary.
Deploy the code to AWS.


After running terraform apply, the backend should be running on an AWS EC2 instance accessible via its IP address.

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

Ask calm, curious questions with links, code samples, and no screenshots.


How to submit

Demo your progress in class.

  • 🎯 Topic Delivery
  • 🎯 Topic Requirements
  • 🎯 Topic Testing
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ“… Sprint 4
[TECH ED] Infrastructure as Code for CYF Hotel Frontend in S3 πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?


Use Terraform to deploy your CYF Hotel frontend to an S3 bucket.


  1. Write a Terraform configuration file main.tf to define the S3 bucket.
  2. Include the necessary configurations like ACL, policy, and versioning.
  3. Deploy the code to AWS.


After running terraform apply, you should see the CYF Hotel frontend live on the S3 bucket URL.

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

Ask calm, curious questions with links, code samples, and no screenshots.


How to submit

Demo your progress in class.

  • 🎯 Topic Delivery
  • 🎯 Topic Requirements
  • 🎯 Topic Testing
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ“… Sprint 4