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Module-Cloud πŸ”—

[TECH ED] Prepare for live session πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?

It is essential to start learning new concepts and ideas before Saturday’s session. During the week, we expect you to get stuck and form questions about the new content so you can address misconceptions during Saturday’s session. The prep work here will introduce you to the new concepts for the week.

You will need to do this prep work before tackling the coursework.

Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)


How to get help

Share your blockers in your track channel


How to submit

It will be clearly evident if you don’t do the prep. At CYF we come to class prepared.

  • :brain: Prep work
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ”‘ Priority Key
  • πŸ“… Sprint 1
[TECH ED] Database Deployment πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?

Deploy CYF Hotel Database to RDS

  1. Create RDS Instance: In the AWS Management Console, set up a new RDS instance.
  2. Configure Security Groups: Update security groups to allow incoming traffic on the database port you intend to use.
  3. Database Credentials: Make a note of your database credentials (username, password).
  4. Initialize Database: Connect to the database and initialize it with the required tables and sample data.
  5. Connect to Backend: Update your backend code (running on EC2) to connect to the RDS database.
  6. Test End-to-End: Make some test API calls to ensure that the data flows correctly from the RDS database to your EC2 backend, and then to the S3-hosted frontend.

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

Ask calm, curious questions with links, code samples, and no screenshots.


How to submit

In this advanced module you will demo your work. You may wish to make notes for case studies to add to your portfolio.

  • 🎯 Topic Delivery
  • 🎯 Topic Requirements
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ“… Sprint 1
[TECH ED] Backend Deployment πŸ”— Clone

From Module-Cloud created by SallyMcGrath: CodeYourFuture/Module-Cloud#1


Why are we doing this?

Deploy CYF Hotel Backend to EC2

  1. Launch EC2 Instance: Start a new EC2 instance using a suitable AMI (Amazon Machine Image).
  2. SSH into EC2: Use SSH to access your EC2 instance. Follow the guide from AWS on how to ssh from your machine https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/connect-linux-inst-ssh.html
  3. Set up Node.js: Install Node.js and any other dependencies.
  4. Upload Code: Transfer your backend code to the EC2 instance. Refer to the SSH guide to transfer the code to EC2 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/connect-linux-inst-ssh.html#linux-file-transfer-scp
  5. Start Application: Run your Node.js application on the EC2 instance.
  6. Test API: Test your API endpoints to make sure they’re working as expected.

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

Ask calm, curious questions with links, code samples, and no screenshots.


How to submit

In this advanced module you will demo your work.

  • 🎯 Topic Delivery
  • 🎯 Topic Requirements
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ“… Sprint 1
[TECH ED] Frontend Deployment πŸ”— Clone


Why are we doing this?

Setup Github Actions for CYF Hotel Frontend deployments to S3

  1. Create GitHub Actions Workflow File: In your CYF Hotel repository, create a new YAML file under the .github/workflows directory. Name it something relevant, like frontend-s3-deploy.yml.

  2. Configure AWS Credentials: Utilize GitHub Secrets to securely store your AWS credentials. These secrets will be used in the GitHub Actions workflow to authenticate against AWS.

  3. Write S3 Deployment Steps: In the YAML file, define the steps to install AWS CLI, configure AWS credentials, and sync your build folder to your S3 bucket.

  4. Test the Workflow: Push a change to your repository or manually run the workflow from the GitHub Actions tab to verify that the S3 deployment works as expected.

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

If you are doing this for the first time, this will be hard. You must reach out to volunteers to help you. Your ability to ask for help is be actively assessed during this time.

You are not expected to be able to complete this module completely independently. You are expected to get help from volunteers.

How to submit

In this advanced module you will demo your work.

  • 🎯 Topic Delivery
  • 🎯 Topic Requirements
  • πŸ• Priority Mandatory
  • πŸ‚ Size Medium
  • πŸ“… Sprint 1